2024/2025 Pricing Guide & Menu of Services 

Are you a small or solo accounting practice owner who thinks they are leaving money on the table? I have collated just over 70 of the most common services and hourly rates accounting practices provide and charge. I share my fees I charged back in 2016, which my clients happily paid and have indexed them to year 2024/2025 and added tweaks here and there.

For five years, I’ve been empowering small and solo accounting practice owners like you to enhance their pricing strategies, secure better profits, and pay themselves what they deserve with my hotly anticipated Annual Pricing Guide and Menu of Services.

It’s time to take control of your financial future.

Get your copy of the 2024/2025 Pricing Guide today and start making the most out of your accounting practice!


Why Choose My Pricing Guide?

  • Historical Data & Modern Adjustments: This blend of historical success and modern relevance ensures your rates are competitive and fair.
  • Confidence in Pricing: Stop second-guessing and start setting your fees with confidence. This guide is designed to help you charge what you’re truly worth, ensuring your practice is both profitable and sustainable.
  • Expert Insights: Benefit from my 18 years as a successful accounting practice owner and 7 years as a coach helping other small and solo accounting practice owners achieve success?

Here's what you'll get...

  • An excel spreadsheet of just over 70 of the most common services and hourly rates small and solo accounting practices provide and charge to their SME clients
  • Enter your current pricing
  • With your rates and mine side by side, decide your 2024/2025 fees and set yourself up to quote, engage and re-engage with confidence, ease and greater profitability
  • A professional letter to help you communicate and explain your fee increases to clients that you may like to use in it’s entirety or as inspiration for your own.


This price list is so detailed and helps to cover all services, not just the obvious ones. It helps when quoting, and staff on same page when invoicing & clients happy to know costs upfront! Some we weren’t charging enough for!


I have found this to be an awesome resource! Has given me some added confidence in my pricing and highlighted the areas where I have been undercharging. Just what I needed. Thanks Amanda!


Yes I know it’s Saturday night but I’ve finally sat down and worked out a fee schedule using Amanda’s menu of services price list as a guide. 18 months in, starting from scratch, and my pricing has been all over the place and so inconsistent. It’s been quite an eye opener seeing how I’m undervaluing my time and expertise. I’m quite confident I can achieve a turnover increase of at least 60-80% in 2021-22 with the enquires I’ve had coming through and a set fee schedule. I’m feeling accomplished and very optimistic for the upcoming tax year


I ordered my copy today and it’s absolutely fantastic. Simple, concise, clear and incredibly practical. We service predominantly mum and dad business owners (like many in this group) and I will be using this as our pricing guide for 2022FY, it will give the team the confidence to price and quote consistently, at a value that’s fair to us and fair to our clients. Highly recommend for anyone in this group who can’t confidently say to themselves “we’ve got our pricing sorted” this will do the trick! Thanks Amanda.


It's totally possible to be empathic and commercial, so let's get your pricing and practice profits sorted!