Logbook Template


An excellent marketing tool, reinforcing your brand and demonstrating your commitment to client success.


As a small or solo accounting practice owner, you know the value of building strong relationships with your clients.

But have you considered the benefits of offering a personalised logbook template to your clients as a complimentary gift?

My logbook template is designed to help you promote your brand, educate your clients, encourage compliance, and help your clients maximise and substantiate their motor vehicle claims. It's a simple yet effective tool that can make a big difference in your practice.

It also includes instructions to ensure compliance with ATO requirements. This ensures that the logbook is valid and meets all the necessary requirements.

By including this logbook template in your new client welcome package, you're showing your professionalism and commitment to ensuring your clients are compliant. Your clients will appreciate the small gesture and often ask for more copies for their kids, work colleagues, and others who should be claiming for their work travel. It's a form of marketing that promotes your brand and increases your visibility.

Not only is it a great marketing tool, but it's also an educative tool that encourages compliance and helps your clients to maximise their claims. And with the personalised touch, it shows your clients that you care about their success and are committed to helping them achieve it.

Purchase my logbook template today and start providing your clients with a personalised gift that they will appreciate and use.

It's small gestures such as these that can make a big difference in your practice.